Hello! Guess what we made? An Igloo!!! The igloo is made entirly of milk cartins. Is'nt that cool? Here are the instructions on how to make an igloo out of milk jugs. 1. Place a big peice of cardbourd on the floor. 2. Get a hot glue gun to glue the milk jugs together. 3. Glue 29 milk jugs in a circle on the cardbourd. p.s. We need a big space for the door. 4. For the 2nd row glue 28 milk jugs on top of the first row. Don't forget to trace the first row. But make it a bit smaller. 6. Always make the igloo a little less big. 7. On the fith row put milk jugs all a round so the igloo will have a square door. 8. Add one milk jug on the last row of the igloo. The top jug is called a king block.9. Add an archway to the door to make it look like an igloo. And to keep the heat in.and that is how you make an igloo. p.s. We havent got an archway yet so please bring milk jugs.
by: Kamryn and Meadow
Update: The igloo is done!!!! We are done collecting milk jugs!
It was cool seeing everyone work together to build the igloo!
It was cool building an igloo!
The igloo is a better reading spot than the box! It took a long time to build, but it was fun!
It was fun handing the milk jugs handle to handle to Mrs Johnston.
It was cool seeing it when it was finished!
The igloo is amazing!!!!
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