Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Terry Fox Run 2012

I enjoyed rolling down the hill.  I also enjoyed the obstacle course too - Jordan

My favourite Terry Fox thing was the partner run and the drink and the watermelon.-Zach

The flog jump up the hill was fun. I like to roll down the hill and to run down the hill. -Liam

I like rolling down the hill and the running  and running down the hill. The drinks were cool.  -Charity

My favourite Terry Fox thing was the obstacle course. I had  soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun . –JILL

I liked the drinks because they were very good. Running was fun because I’m fast, very fast.-Logan

Meeting the partner was cool. It was fun. Running with the partner was fun. Terry Fox run was fun  doing the activities. - Ty

My favorite thing was running . My favorite thing was rolling down the hill..  - Zander

The drinks were really good. The obstacle course was really fun..- Bryce

I liked my partner. I loved running with my partner. My favourite thing was rolling down the hill. I enjoyed running in the hall. I liked soccer passing. Lexi

I enjoyed the frog jump!! My partner is nice she had a different drink than me. Running was the best part, running down the hill ,and rolling down the hill was fun too!!! -Sjusen     

Soccer passing is fun and frog jump was cool and terry fox run was fun too. Rolling down the hill was fun. -Dakota.

My favourite part of the Terry Fox run was running.  Cedar

Terry Fox run was ausome.  The drinks were ausome. Running was cool.  I really liked it.

Soccer passing was fun and basketball too.  Running was fun too.  Adam

Running with my partner was fun and the girls were good.  I liked my partner.  Helena\

The Terry Fox run was fun. The drinks were awesome. Avery

I liked the maze and the gym.  Seth


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