Friday, 23 November 2012


This week at school we did Art portfolio. We put are namaes on one sideof itand then we decoratid it. I put a buterfly 8 haerts I put  this in my S #. On the other sid0e we roat Art in big letters. We did normal portfolio's. We decerated them to. we'r doing that for 3 way conferences. we had a substitute for 1h. Her name is Mrs. Murrayshe is verey nice. In french the grade 4 made elves.
By Sjusen

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Happy Halloween!

 We had lots of fun on Halloween! 
We did pumpkin math, carved pumpkins and played games!! 
Here are some descriptions we wrote about our pumpkins!

My pumpkins name is pumpkin bob and it looks scary and fat and
Tall and its orange and it feels lumpy and hard and bumpy and

Its heavy. By: Dakota

My pumpkins name is fat man he looks weird it is bumpy it is hard it is fat cool awesome.
Its lumpy it feels like it has scratcis it is orange it has wigit on it it is fat that is yau we call
It fat man fat man  is cool and he is asome he is havy I like him so he is vary asome.
Irily like him he smalls wierd he is relly, relly, asome he has a stam he likes him .
Salf he is awesome By Helena

My pumpkins name is Fatman. It looks fat, orange, short, cool, and it has lines. It feels heavy, and hard, lumpy, and smooth and it is very bumpy. It smells like it’s very sweet and it smells like leaves and it smells like rain and dirt and mud and wet grass and soil.By: TY

Hi my name is bob it is bob snichle I am a pumpkin. I feel lumpy and funny. I smell like nature and sweet. He is fat and funky it looks  weird and short and a giant peach. It has lines and feels cool and greasy, soil, and funny. He is orange. He is a pumpkin. He is cool and sweet and kind. He is fun. He is giant and lumpy and silk and hard, and kind of skinny.  By  Charity
Hello my name is Bob Snichle. I am a pumpkin. I am scary and fat. I feel bumby , hard and light. I smell like leaves,grass and rain. I’am ills short,pechey and weird. I am a yong pumpkin. I am 3 years old.I sleep on the grass in the rian and lats way I smell like lat.ByLexi

My pumpkin`s name is pumpkin bob. My pumpkin looks like a basketball. My pumpkin feels lumpy and hard. My pumpkin smells a bit like rain. We are making our pumpkin scary, big eyes, sharp teeth, anda triangle nose. It looks short, orange, fat, giant, cool. By Bryce.

My pumpkin’s name is Pumpkin Bob. Bob looks scary, funny, short, lined, and funky. How do you think I feel? He feels heavy, hard, scratchy, and bumpy too. I smell like something too. I smell like leaves, grass,rain, dirt, mud, and nature.

The end. Sjusen

My pumpkins name Billy bob Joe.It look like deformed. It looks tall. It looks weird. It looks cool. It looks orange. It feels bumpy. It feels hard. It smells like dirt. He is my best best best friend.



Remembrance Day 2012


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Terry Fox Run 2012

I enjoyed rolling down the hill.  I also enjoyed the obstacle course too - Jordan

My favourite Terry Fox thing was the partner run and the drink and the watermelon.-Zach

The flog jump up the hill was fun. I like to roll down the hill and to run down the hill. -Liam

I like rolling down the hill and the running  and running down the hill. The drinks were cool.  -Charity

My favourite Terry Fox thing was the obstacle course. I had  soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun . –JILL

I liked the drinks because they were very good. Running was fun because I’m fast, very fast.-Logan

Meeting the partner was cool. It was fun. Running with the partner was fun. Terry Fox run was fun  doing the activities. - Ty

My favorite thing was running . My favorite thing was rolling down the hill..  - Zander

The drinks were really good. The obstacle course was really fun..- Bryce

I liked my partner. I loved running with my partner. My favourite thing was rolling down the hill. I enjoyed running in the hall. I liked soccer passing. Lexi

I enjoyed the frog jump!! My partner is nice she had a different drink than me. Running was the best part, running down the hill ,and rolling down the hill was fun too!!! -Sjusen     

Soccer passing is fun and frog jump was cool and terry fox run was fun too. Rolling down the hill was fun. -Dakota.

My favourite part of the Terry Fox run was running.  Cedar

Terry Fox run was ausome.  The drinks were ausome. Running was cool.  I really liked it.

Soccer passing was fun and basketball too.  Running was fun too.  Adam

Running with my partner was fun and the girls were good.  I liked my partner.  Helena\

The Terry Fox run was fun. The drinks were awesome. Avery

I liked the maze and the gym.  Seth


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Geodesic dome

We made a geodesic dome out of newspaper. A geodesic dome is a structure like half of the giant golf ball at Epcot center.  We rolled newpaper to make tubes and cut them to two sizes 63 cm and 71 cm.  We then stapled them together in a pattern like triangles and stars.  The joints got to fat so we had to start taping.  We had to put a broom in the middle to hold it up.  We accidently made the base to big and had to add a few more rolls. We had to put lots of tape on the joints to make them strong and look for week tubes and taped them to make them stronger.  It was hard but fun!!!

Grade 3-4 J

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Welcome back!

We are off to a great start with our new school year.  We have many new faces in 3-4 J this year, here is a video of all of them and their favourite summer memory!!


Monday, 7 May 2012


Fossils are made from old things that lived a long, long time ago. We made them from yucky stuff and put a sea shell, leaf, or a twig in a cup. Then we let them dry for a day. Then we tried to get the object out of the cup. But only some of us got the object out. The people that didn’t get it out had to wait a day until Mrs. Johnston finally got it out. When it was done we put more yucky stuff in it and waited another day to dry it. Then we got the 2 kinds of fossils apart. We had lots of fun.

By: Stanton and Chloe

Oreo Dunking

Oreo duNking is when they give you a bowl and then they first put milk in the bowl, then they put Oreos in it, and then they let us start eating the Oreos, and dunk the milk. Hear are the people that did the Oreo dunking in
Gr 3-4 so hear are the people that did it, Zach.s, Mikayla, Robert, Molly, Elaina, Tinyed. The winner was robert, robert got a bag that looks like a soccer ball, and it said never stop milk, and the messiest was Zach.s, and Mrs.Johnston took a video of us.
By Zach and Mikayla

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

3-4 J Rocks

Today we are studying rocks and minerals.
Rebecca’s grandparents came to tell us more about rocks and minerals. There were stations. One of the stations were when you hade to take a ceramic plates and take any kind of rock and scratch it to see what kind of streak it made. We had a station that you had to see if the rock was Limestone. If it was Limestone it would bubble. Another station was is when you take a magnefine glass and see all the different types of minerals in the rocks. Rebecca’s grandma came around and showed every body real gold.
And there was this rock that if you sit on it it will break into little tiny pieces. There also was a station that it was carved into cool shapes so that it turned into necklaces.
There was a station that you could see all kinds of different medicines. Most of the rocks were called igneous, metamorphic, sandstone, and limestone. We learned that sandstone comes in layers. There is also a station that you check the hardness of the rock. If you tried scratching a crystal it wouldn’t leave a scratch. Some rocks were geode.
Rebecca’s grandparents have lots of rocks in there sheds and there basement. They found the rocks in a tunnel.
We hope you enjoyed reading this blog.
By for now.
By: Justin and Meadow

Friday, 20 April 2012

If We Were the Lorax….

If we were the Lorax we would make lows about cutting down Truffala  trees.  We would put the Onceler in jail. We will compost fruit and vegetable leftovers.  I we will RUDUCE our garbage.  We will plant trees and plants,  We will REUSE things like water bottles, and don’t litter.   It’s good if you don’t.      

By:  Sjusen and Tieller

Thursday, 12 April 2012

This is Mrs.Johnstons 3-4 class Arctic centers

One of the Arctic centers is called Arctic food some of the food is Narwhale, caribou, and berries, and that food is for then. Some of the food that is for now is pizza, bread, fruit, chicken, fish and more. The next center was modern houses and we painted them all different colors. Another center we did was Inuit people now and-then then the clothing in the past is caribou skin and today is material. One type of work in the past was hunting and today, one job is a teacher. In the past there homes were igloos and today homes were a home with stilts. In the past heat and light was a oil lamp and today’s heat and light is electricity. In the past they
traveled with a dog sled and today we traveled with an air plane. Another center is called Inuit language the common language of the Inuit in Inuktitut. Another center was called Inuit clothing. Almost the whole class had to wear a amauti. We learned about Inuit transportatation.
By:  Rebecca, Nico and Vikki


Rocks are fun to learn about! You can build any thing you want to build. We are studying rocks. All rocks have a special story. There are rocks everywhere. We love rocks because we rock. Rocks have minerals and minerals are ingredients of the rock. We took one rock and wrote a sentence about what our rock looks like. And took a toothpick and we took a cookie apart and found the ingredients just like minerals are the ingredients of rocks!

3-4J ROCKS!!!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Our Inukshuks

We were studying the Arctic.  Our class have made inuksuks. First we measured area of the rocks in cm2. Than we measured the perimeter. Then we weighed the rocks in grams. Than we put them together and glued them with the hot glue gun.  An Inukshuk shows you the way. 
By:  Collin and Troy

Day of Pink

All of Mrs. Johnston class was wearing pink for no bullying. It was a fundraiser. Alomest the whole school was wearing  pink. It was cool. Only 3 poeple in the class were not wearing pink. Pink was everywhere! Here are the names of the poeple in the picture: (back row) Mrs.Robert, Meadow, Kamryn, Rebecca, Zach, Mrs. Johnston, Vikki, Mikayla, and Collin.  (frontrow) Stanton, Ty, Sjusen, Hunter, Tieller, Chloe, and Justin.
By:  Troy and Ty

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Our Artwork

Check out our art projects from the last few months. They are pretty amazing!!!

Mrs. Johnston


Hello! Guess what we made? An Igloo!!! The igloo is made entirly of milk cartins. Is'nt that cool? Here are the instructions on how to make an igloo out of milk jugs. 1. Place a big peice of cardbourd on the floor. 2. Get a hot glue gun to glue the milk jugs together. 3. Glue 29 milk jugs in a circle on the cardbourd. p.s. We need a big space for the door. 4. For the 2nd row glue 28 milk jugs on top of the first row. Don't forget to trace the first row. But make it a bit smaller. 6. Always make the igloo a little less big. 7. On the fith row put milk jugs all a round so the igloo will have a square door. 8. Add one milk jug on the last row of the igloo. The top jug is called a king block.9. Add an archway to the door to make it look like an igloo. And to keep the heat in.and that is how you make an igloo. p.s. We havent got an archway yet so please bring milk jugs.
by: Kamryn and Meadow
Update:  The igloo is done!!!! We are done collecting milk jugs!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Snowman Art

Here is some art we did before Christmas.  They are super cute.  Please check out the calendar page and Flat Stanley page!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Field Trip - Museum

After the symphony we went to the Manitoba Museum.When we where in the Museum  Mikayla siaid I shoud  be called, "I needed to see more", because i kept saying that.  It was funny. We went all arouwnd the museum. Our favourite stop was the boat. Then we back at the starte. We whent on a Inuit toer.The inuit toer was fun. Miss.Edel and Miss.Huot's groups  went too. We lerned aobout how inuits use to live. We got to hold a toy kayak. The toy kayka was made of a caraboo skin and the toy sled was made of caribou bones.  We got to use a bone type thing as a drill.We got to play with a toy the you had to get a round bone on a straight bone.  It was fun.  Lots of people got it on but we didn't.  The museum was fun!  By: Hunter and Vikki

Friday, 20 January 2012

Our Field Trip - Symphony

 The symphony was fun. There soug`s were good. Zander `s and Bryce`s favourite soug was hockey night in Canada. Zach`s favourite soug was hockey night in Canada. Collin`s favurite soug was Olympic fanfare. Meadow and Chloe`s favurite soug was the nutcaraker also sjusen likes it also Hunter like it also tieller like it also mrs. Robert like`s it.Vikki`s favurite soug is bout. Ty favurite soug is hockey night in canada. mrs.Johnston`s favurite soug is lezghinka.  Kamryn's favourite was Go the distance.   Mikayla was Le Bateau.  Hockey Night in Canada was Stanton's,  Justin's and  Troy's favourite.  We had a good time. It was ausome.

By Zander and Bryce.